Health in Trends: Detox Your Body
Winter has arrived. Snowstorm has already turned a lot of countries into a winter wonderland. Winter chill often makes people inactive with drastic decrease in outdoor activities. Compared to other time of the year, it is during this season that excretion of waste matter from the body is difficult. Are there any ways to "detox" in such crimpy weather? Here are a couple of tips to stay clean!
Drink Lots of Water
To clean the floor, we use vacuum cleaner to get the dust off, and we use the wet mop to remove the spot completely off the floor. This similar method applies to our body. When we have lots of wastes inside our body or blood, we need water. Water delivers and flushes the wastes out of our system. Without water, the toxin stays and accumulates, which can be a major cause for diseases. This is why we have to drink lots of water, about 1.5 to 2 liters per day. This is because our body excretes about 3 liters of water every day through perspiration and urination. Also, drinking tea such as green tea may help detoxing as it activates metabolism and relaxes strains. However, remember that drinking water filtered through Antioxidant Alkaline Water Jug or AA Water Teabag can be the best way to detox.
Sit out in the sun - 10 minutes per day
When it gets cold, people prefer to stay indoors and hesitate to move. Less movement in large intestines equals constipation. When one suffers from constipation, he or she may get irritated from having the pain or bloating-feeling of fullness-because of the serotonin, which controls appetite and mood. In fact, serotonin plays important role in our body as 80% of it stays in intestines and exchanges information with the brain. This is why toxins and inflammations affect the amount of serotonin, and eventually our mood. Then how do we accelerate the secretion of serotonin? All you have to do is to take a walk at least 10 minutes a day and let yourself be bathed in the sun. This will not only make you feel better, but also will get rid of all the stresses.
Walk 30 minutes a day (March in place)
Exercising helps greatly with blood and lymph circulations as well as raising body temperature to excrete toxins out of your skin through perspiration. Body movements stimulate the internal organs and enable bowel movements. However, during the winter, the cold air constricts and decreases the blood supply. It burdens the heart to work faster to increase body temperature, which can overwork the heart. Therefore, exercising indoor is recommended. Place a yoga mat on the floor and try marching in place for about half an hour a day to make up the daily exercise indoor rather than outdoor.
Morning Stretch and Night Massage
When you get up in the morning, start with your day with a stretch before leaving your bed. Stretching stimulates blood and lymph circulations, which relaxes the muscles. Place your head on the pillow and as you face the ceiling, raise your arms and legs perpendicular to the bed and gently shake them. This movement activates the vessels and helps the circulation greatly. In addition, massaging the stomach before going to bed is highly effective on gastrointestinal movements and blood circulation. This helps remove the toxins out of your system. Put both hands on your stomach and apply a strain to your stomach with your palms in circular motions. This will make your stomach warm and smooth, Also, using a dry towel or body brush can also help stimulate the vessels on the epidermal layers that makes excretion of body wastes easier. Five minutes of nightly massage can lead you to a constipation-free life!
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